The story is set in a world where humans and spiritual beings live side by side. There is a secret organization known as 'Guardians of the Shadows'. These guardians possess special abilities that allow them to communicate with spirits and restore balance between the two worlds. The protagonist, Kaito, is an ordinary young man living a quiet life, but one day he discovers that he has the ability to see spirits. His life changes drastically when he rescues a mysterious girl named Iri, who is one of the Guardians of the Shadows. Iri reveals to Kaito that there is a hidden force trying to release the 'Shadow Souls', evil spirits that have been sealed for thousands of years. These spirits possess immense energy that could destroy both worlds if unleashed. Kaito joins Iri and her team of guardians in an attempt to prevent the catastrophe, but the journey is not without challenges. They must face the evil spirits and political conspiracies that seek to exploit these powers for their own gain. Over time, Kaito discovers that he has a mysterious connection to these spirits, and his past may hold secrets that could be the key to saving the world. The story delves into the battle between good and evil, with conspiracies and betrayals, where Kaito becomes the last hope for humanity.